为什么剪辑视频如此复杂?现有的免费应用程序无法提供看起来专业所需的质量。然而,专业的应用程序既昂贵又复杂。我是不是进退两难?斗争是真实的!!我们听得很清楚。简短的回答是不!!你没有被卡住!你并不孤单!最重要的是,你完全可以解决这个问题!! Join Alex Winter & Megan Lang to learn about the best video editing apps on the market today (both free and paid), how to demystify the editing process, and a quick 101 Tips & Tricks demonstration using Premiere Pro so you too can be slicing and dicing in no time.
如今,感知就是一切。而视频是提高你在线认知的最好方法之一。你创造的质量和内容直接转化为你给潜在客户留下的印象。你想给人留下好印象并与人建立信任吗?你想更快地完成更多的交易吗?如果答案是肯定的,那么制作看起来和声音都很专业的高质量视频就非常重要了。但我该怎么做呢,亚历克斯?我不是视频专家。我知道这似乎是不可能的,太贵了,而且是一笔巨大的时间投资。我可以向你保证,这并没有你想的那么难!! In this session, I'm going to show you affordable gear options that won't break the bank, demonstrate how to choose a dedicated space to film, how to set up your gear, and a quick guide on how to create quality content. By the end of our session, you should have all the tools and knowledge you need to start making professional videos.